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Case Studies

The Barnum



Located near Nottingham Train Station, the Barnum is one of Nottingham’s latest developments. Hosting 348 apartments, this complex was named after the Barnum railway fleet of trains which connected Nottingham to London during Victorian Britain.

Featuring fully furnished studio, one, two and three bedroom homes to rent, the 10 story building joins the development of Nottingham’s southside as the city aims to rejuvenate one of its key locations.

The Project

We were invited to provide a contemporary lighting scheme harmonious to the building’s contemporary architecture. We utilised a combination of architectural luminaires including downlighters, post top luminaires and façade luminaires to illuminate the entry ways and building perimeter to compliment red brick and create a stunning visual result.

The Solution

Leading up to the building, we selected 5 x TAURI featuring a symmetrical optic and 2,487 luminaire lumens. The sleek amenity fittings provide high uniformity levels with a subtle illumination ensuring safe passage for all entering and exiting the building.

For the building perimeters we opted for Arcluce’s ELLIS 1 two-way luminaires. These façade fittings provide an elegant light effect against the red brick to create a sense of sophistication and luxury throughout the development.

To match aesthetic and functionality, we chose RAY 110 Short for the canopies to ensure the best illumination for walkways and foot traffic. This was also an excellent alternative to utilising overhead lighting preventing potential glare and light spill towards the traffic and neighbouring businesses.

For locations such as car parks and bike sheds, we wanted to keep light pollution to a minimum whilst maintaining safety. Therefore, we utilised flat-to-ground luminaires such as QUARTO 2.0 with an OC optic to create a controlled illumination for the site. We also added a VIVA-CITY Pro to ensured optimised levels and promote a secure place.

Overall, the Barnum benefitted from –

  • Enhanced lighting levels throughout the site
  • A combination of architectural and post top luminaires across site




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